My Story
Welcome! I’m glad you’re here!
Hi, I’m Esther, and this is my story.
Let’s go back to 2018 when everything started.
In July 2018, I had just graduated fresh out of high school and I had a lot of dreams to achieve.
My First Failure
I immediately picked up an interest in web development because it seemed fascinating and honestly, I thought it would be a great business idea.
I was so passionate about it that I started a programming group with the aim of becoming the next big tech company and making a lot of money one day.
I put in hours of work, I often went to bed at 2 am and woke up at 6 am because I thought that getting 4 hours of sleep made me an unstoppable entrepreneur.
Well, as you may have guessed already, this pattern didn’t help me one bit – when I didn’t see the results I wanted, I got burned out and gave up.
My first business idea was a total failure.
My Second Failure
However, I didn’t want to give up just yet…
I decided to start another business idea. Something more tangible…
A laptop skin business.
I got some free HD pictures off the internet, made some inquiries about printing my skins in nearby shops, and I started trying to market them through people I knew.
I badly wanted to make a profit, to feel good about myself for once.
But once again, I failed.
Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, I knew that starting a business requires risk-taking but after experiencing two failures already, I started wondering why I could never get any business idea to work.
This was my problem:
I was passionate but I had no experience, no guidance, and no clear direction for most of the business ideas I had started.
And this ultimately led to burnout and failure.
Starting a New Phase
In 2019, my story began to change…
In April 2019, I got into university to study Business Administration, Majoring in Marketing.
This was when my eyes began to open to the mistakes I’d been making in the past.
I began to see why so many businesses have failed and why even I had fallen into the same traps.
Not only that, but I also began to learn how to build a strong brand and get the marketing side of things right.
In September 2019, I took the first real leap as an aspiring entrepreneur – I started my first blog.
My passion was to help aspiring, brand new and even slightly experienced business owners avoid the mistakes I made AND the mistakes that I’d seen other businesses make.
However, I still didn’t have any tangible experience although I had the knowledge, so self-doubt and imposter syndrome kept me stuck in a spot for a VERY long time.
In 2020, the pandemic hit, and I found myself stuck at home and so I took a deep delve into social media marketing. I began to gain real experience with the digital side of marketing.
Not long after, I got a job as a sales representative, further expanding my knowledge of marketing and how to create and promote a valuable product and brand.
I was living in the real business world, everything seemed great.
But I quickly realized that working a fixed job was not for me, I often found myself stressed, unsatisfied, and unhappy.
I needed more control of my time and energy. Fast-forward to 6 months later, I had quit my job.
It was a really hard time for me, but after this, I made a decision to start a real business.
This was when I went back to building websites. I helped a few business owners develop their brand identities, create marketing strategies and create stunning sites.
Everything was going well, nothing extraordinary, I wasn’t making a lot of money. I was just fine.
In late June, I started another job as a Marketing Research Interviewer.
My Life’s Turning Point
But just about two months later, in August 2021, everything truly changed for me. My life made a 180-degree swing.
On August 26th, 2021, I lost my best friend to a car accident.
I could hardly move on with anything, but as days and weeks passed, I began to slowly heal and recover from grief.
And one day it hit me – I realized that I need to take my goals seriously so that I can spend more time with the people I love while I still have them with me.
I was tired of the excuses, inconsistency and lack of real results. This was when I made a decisive decision to be my best.
Once again, I quit my job, but this time, I had a clear goal, a clear motivation and a reason to do better.
Taking a Huge Leap
In September 2021, I registered a business for the first time, and for the first time, I got to know all the hassles involved in starting a business first-hand.
I started really building my experience as a web developer and brand strategist.
I set a few goals and worked hard at them, and I started seeing things move in the right direction.
I am not here to pretend to be an expert, but I can’t deny the things I’ve learnt about starting and monetizing a business.
The experience I’ve gathered from growing up in an entrepreneurial family, going to business school, working in marketing-related jobs, losing my best friend, and starting my own businesses have taught me a lot of things I never would’ve known if I didn’t have these experiences.
And I’m here to share everything I can to help you avoid the mistakes I made so that you can grow your business much faster than I did mine.
You don’t have to be stuck if you have a clear guide and the right resources to get you to your goals quicker and that’s what I promise to give you on this site.
You CAN Do It Too.
You can achieve your dreams, you can get the financial freedom you need. You can free up time to do the things you love and to be with the people that you care about.
Yes, it is absolutely possible, you just need the right steps.
No matter what your business dreams are, my goal is to get you there faster.
Thank you for sticking around. You may find this hard to believe but every reader on this blog means a lot to me. I am thrilled to create content that helps you.
I know that you can’t wait to get started with the next step on your business journey, so, if you’re ready, you’re welcome to become part of the family by joining me and other entrepreneurs as we start and grow successful businesses online. You can sign up below.
Hi, I’m Esther, and I’m a music enthusiast!
Let’s go back to 2018 when everything started…
The Eureka Moment
In late 2018, I found myself thinking hard about the purpose of my life.
One day, in the bathroom, a light bulb literally went on in my head…
It dawned on me that I’d always loved music.
I had just never been able to learn and express myself through it.
I decided to go on YouTube, and guess what the algorithm suggested to me?
An orchestral performance. Hehe…
Of course, I watched it, and I was ABSOLUTELY fascinated.
Not that I hadn’t seen an orchestral performance before…
Just that this time, I was looking at it with new eyes – interested eyes.
I wanted to be able to play music.
Maybe not as a music prodigy, but as someone who simply wants to express themselves through it.
To understand and speak the language of music – with a vast vocabulary.
The Journey To My First Piano
My mind was set on the goal of learning to play the piano – though I didn’t have a piano yet.
I hadn’t even played one at this point.
Fast forward to a few months later – 2019…
In 2019, I relocated for my university studies.
My immediate task was to find a piano in my school.
I knew there HAD to be one, because there were music programs being offered by the school.
And I was right!
VERY right – I found 3 pianos.
Every day I would spend a minimum of 2 hours watching YouTube videos by the legend Andrew Furmanczyk – and practicing along.
After a few days, I started noticing progress – very visible progress.
By a few weeks, I started feeling like a pro already (of course I wasn’t – LOL)
I moved out of the campus and had to buy my first digital keyboard – which I continued practicing with.
Fast forward to early 2020, I was playing piano for a small church.
Honestly, this is where I did most of my learning – and I’m still learning everyday.
I said all of that to say this – you don’t have to be a good musician in decades or years.
You can be a great musician in a couple of months of dedicated work.
On this blog, I’ll be sharing lessons, tips, resources, and basically everything you need to know to learn music 10x faster.
If that sounds like your cup of tea, I encourage you to subscribe to the email list below, awesome stuff is coming soon, but only subscribers will know exactly what that is ;D
In summary, be a subscriber because you want to learn faster right? (That’s just a teaser but not everything…)
Are you ready to start this music journey? So am I.
Let’s get started

Hi there, I’m Esther, a business student, blogger, and entrepreneur. My creative journey started in May 2018 with Web Design and Development, in September 2019, I started my first blog called The Ace Business and with limited experience in entrepreneurship and blogging, I have faced many ups and downs on my journey.
I’ve given up a few times, ran out of ideas, and suffered burnout just to mention a few and I understand all the problems that entrepreneurs face, especially college entrepreneurs.
If you struggle with finding business ideas, motivation to start your business, time management (or other issues that entrepreneurs and creatives face), then you’re at the right place.
I have met many amazing people with outstanding skills (and insane determination) who don’t have a clear idea on how to transform those skills/interests into a business. Seeing this happen over and over has driven me to make findings on how to solve this.
Who says you can’t earn by doing the things you are passionate about?
It is my passion to help people discover/refine their skills and help them move from the idea phase to the business startup and growth phase. In short, I want to help you build a successful business through your unique skills.

Hobbies, skills and interests
I am fascinated by a whole lot of things to be honest. Here are some of the things I love:
- Playing the keyboard/piano (I’m aiming to learn how to play the guitar too!)
- Gospel Music
- Coding and Web Development
- 3d Graphics and animation
- UI/UX Design
- Scented Candles
- Plants
- Hiking
- Arts and Crafts
Again, I’m glad you’re here and I am here to help you get to where you where you want to be.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Take care!