Dive Into a Journey of Creativity & Healing with Music

Hi, I’m Esther Alu! Welcome to my site – so glad you’re here. Join me on a journey of creativity, learning, and healing through music (maybe other adventures)! 

Choose a Skill

Choose the best musical skill for you right from the start, so you don't have to change your mind down the line (and waste your time).

Learn the basics

With any musical skill, learning the basics is what you need to get started on your dreams. Learn music theory and basic techniques.

Become a Master

Take your musical skills to the next level with the right practices, tools, and resources - all of which will be shared on the site.

You can reach Your Musical Dreams in NO time

If you’re thinking of taking up music as a hobby or even a career, I want you to know something…

If you believe you can do it, then you can. It is as simple as that.

To learn music, you have to let go of self doubt and be ready to embrace every challenge that you will face.

You can learn this new skill – all it takes is dedication, consistency, and the right steps.

Following the right steps is important in learning music. Why?

  • you’ll waste TOO much time if you leave it to chance
  • burnout is INEVITABLE when you don’t follow a clear plan
  • you’ll see real progress FASTER with the right steps

There will be a lot to learn, but trust me, it will be exciting and I’ll be here to help you all along the way 🙂 – you have my word on that. 

And no, it doesn’t have to take you 5 years to create good sounding music – it takes 6 months of dedicated and focused work.

Think about this…

Would you rather spend the next 6 months going in circles with random music tutorial videos OR

Would you want to spend that time focusing on the right steps that are guaranteed to get you to your goals within that time?

The decision is yours, but I am here to help you if you want to see real results faster

All you need is three things, which I’ll be helping you with on this site:

  1. Picking the best musical skill to learn
  2. Learning music theory and the basics of your selected musical skill
  3. The right tools, resources, and for maximum performance
Let me break them down a bit more:

You Can't Be Profitable With The Wrong Strategies

There’s so much advice online about starting an online business, but most of it is simply not realistic.

Most ideas are oversaturated and will take too much effort to reach profitability.

Other times, you’re expected to start with an insanely huge amount of money, or put in an unreasonable amount of work.

The good news is that most of that is unnecessary…

To build a profitable online business, you need to:

  • find a well-researched idea
  • create a unique brand
  • use the right strategies

There will be a lot of old knowledge that you’ll have to do away with, but if you stick around, you’ll learn everything you need to know.

And no, it doesn’t have to take you 5 years to see results – it takes 6 months of strategic and focused work.

Think about this…

Would you rather spend the next 6 months chasing after an oversaturated idea that you stand a low chance profiting from OR

Would you want to spend that time focusing on an idea that promises you much more?

The decision is yours, but I am here to help you if you want to see real results faster

All you need is three things, which I’ll be helping you with on this site:

  1. Finding a profitable business idea using the right research tools and techniques
  2. Building a brand over time by differentiating yourself from other online businesses 
  3. Creating the right systems to make money with your online business
Let me break them down a bit more:

Pick the Best Musical Skill

There are several musical skills to choose from. Some are: singing, piano, guitar, bass, trumpet, drums, to music production. I have personally experimented with many of these musical skills and can guide you in choosing  the best for you.

Music Theory and The Basics

To start performing or producing music faster, you need to learn the basics of music - music theory. You can take my word for it - if you skip the basics, you'll be so limited in your performances that you'll have to come back to them down the line.

The right musical toolkit

Your effectiveness is directly dependent on the tools and resources that you have access to. Free resources won't cut it, but good resources don't have to be crazy expensive - you can be exceptional with just the right resources and tools (price and quality wise)

Latest Songs

I just wanna move your heart ❤️ #shorts #christianmusic

Praise the one who sets me free ❤️🎶 #christianmusic

FATHER WE DECLARE - Worship Session - 29/07/24


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A Little Bit About Me

Esther Alu is a Blogger, Entrepreneur, and Website Developer. She explores topics like time management, business startup motivation, creative ideas, and talent finding. 

Her creative journey started in May 2018 with website development and coding. In September 2019, she started her first blog and ever since she has worked on several new projects, learnt many skills and talents which she is glad to share with other creatives.


Here are some personal projects I’ve worked on

The Study Optimist

The Ace Business

Branding & Web Design

Contact Me!